Spring Extras - Term 2 Seasonal 2025
There are no restrictions on age groups for the different awards and you can do as many as you like from each list. They have been separated by difficulty level to help provide guidance.

Pre Entry level
Budding Crafters
83212 Time (unit 1): Days, months and seasons (Telling the time and date / Time management)
117794 Making greeting cards (Crafts)
118578 Religious studies: a sensory exploration of spring celebrations (Religious studies)
120835 A sensory exploration of carnivals around the world with support (Cultural studies)
114027 Preparing for leisure: poetry (unit 3) (Sport, leisure and recreation)
121960 Circle of soup (Cooking, food preparation and nutrition / Healthy diet and lifestyle)
Entry Level
119818 Beginner gardener (Gardening, horticulture and floristry)
116802 Creating a mixed media picture: spring theme (Art and design)
121271 Lent and Easter (unit 1) (Religious studies)
90256 Introduction to Irish culture (Equality, diversity and inclusion)
115336 Valentine's Day celebrations (Cultural studies)
Functional Skills
Skilled Crafters
115147 Horticulture theory: the gardening year (Gardening, horticulture and floristry)
114334 Essential bushcraft: UK birds (Outdoor learning)
120968 Christian beliefs about Jesus (Religious studies)
121100 Introduction to international women's day (Cultural studies / History and archeology)
121023 Effectively handling big emotions (Mental health and mental illness)
73038 Preparing a floral art arrangement (Art and design/ Crafts)
Minecraft (Unofficial)- January 2025
There are no restrictions on age groups for the different awards and you can do as many as you like from each list. They have been separated by difficulty level to help provide guidance.
Entry Level
108057 Chemistry: elements, mixtures and compounds (unit 4) (Chemistry)
119498 Introduction to minecraft (unit 1) (ICT and computer science)
114437 Introduction to coding using minecraft (Computer science)
115813 Making a simple led torch (Design and technology)
BU1335 Making a soft toy (Sewing, textiles and fashion)
Cooking- February 2025
There are no restrictions on age groups for the different awards and you can do as many as you like from each list. They have been separated by difficulty level to help provide guidance.
Pre Entry level
Budding Crafters
82556 Sowing and growing herbs (Gardening, horticulture and floristry)
LE7376 Sensory investigation of food (Cooking, food preparation and nutrition)
105156 Making biscuits wih support (Cooking, food preparation and nutrition)
121208 Practical maths: cooking (Maths / Cooking food preparation and nutrition)
Entry Level
123016 Non-newtonian fluids: oobleck (Crafts / Physics / Science)
99113 Making a packed lunch (Cooking, food preparation and nutrition)
120978 Cooking a chinese dish: pan-fried buns (Cooking, food preparation and nutrition)
108558 Making a simple meal (Cooking, food preparation and nutrition / Design and technology)
117219 Maths: fraction and ratio (Maths)
Functional Skills
Skilled Crafters
The Moon and Stars- March 2025
There are no restrictions on age groups for the different awards and you can do as many as you like from each list. They have been separated by difficulty level to help provide guidance.
Pre Entry Level
Budding Crafters
Entry Level
123009 Nocturnal wonders: animals under the moonlit sky (Zoology)
83874 Astronomy (unit 4): The moon (Science)
119750 Science: The final frontier (Science)
119241 Introduction to astronomy (Science)
115538 Recreating a Vincent van Gogh painting (Art & Design)
CE8032 Basic percentages (Maths)
71444 The space race (History & Archeology)
123186 Introduction to Ramadan (Islam & Muslims / Religious festivals / Religious studies)
Wood Working- April 2025
There are no restrictions on age groups for the different awards and you can do as many as you like from each list. They have been separated by difficulty level to help provide guidance.
Entry Level
Functional Skills
Skilled Crafters
117637 An introduction to wilding in parks and green spaces (Conservation and sustainability)
119366 Developing carpentry skills (Engineering and construction)
123417 Making a wooden toolbox (Design and technology / Woodwork)
114969 Measuring the height of a tree using trigonometry (Maths / Outdoor learning)
115310 Carpentry and joinery basics (Engineering and construction)
123416 Making a wooden object using dovetail joints (Design and technology / Woodwork)
121185 Introduction to beginner woodwork skills (Crafts)
118320 Woodwork: making a wooden mosaic (Crafts)
73100 Sanding and smoothing wood (Design and technology / Woodwork)